woman in wedding dress holding bouquet



Fill out this form to inquire about consigning your wedding dress! If you have multiple dresses, please fill out a form for each dress! We will let you know either way if your dress is accepted or not!

About Your Wedding Dress

We’re only accepting dresses from the past 3 years.
What you paid for your dress if different than the Retail Price. If you purchased your dress at the Retail Price, list it again here!
All dresses must be dry cleaned if worn.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
To expedite the consignment process and minimize paperwork for out-of-area consignors, please review the terms and conditions to consign your wedding dress. If your wedding dress is accepted into inventory, we’ll be set with the information we need!
I, the Consignor, attest the above is accurate to the best of my knowledge and I agree to the terms and conditions.